def get(unit, port, *arg)
unit.get(unit.JOYSTICK, unit.PORTA)
Chip: RCWL-9600
Addr: 0x57
Ultrasonic0 = unit.get(unit.ULTRASONIC, unit.PORTA)
distance = Ultrasonic0.distance
Chip: RCWL-9600
Addr: 0x57
heart0 = unit.get(unit.HEART, unit.PORTA)
#设置传感器工作模式 0x02为心率模式 | 0x03为心率血氧模式
heart0.setLedCurrent(red, ir)
HeartRate = heart0.getHeartRate()
SpO2 = heart0.getSpO2()
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_env = unit.get(unit.ENV, unit.PORTA)
# temperature: -20 ~ 60, Celsius
tmp = unit_env.temperature
# humidity: 20 ~ 95, percentage
hum = unit_env.humidity
# pressure: 30000 ~ 110000Pa, pa
pre = unit_env.pressure
Chip: ADS1100
Addr: 0x48
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_adc = unit.get(unit.ADC, unit.PORTA)
# get voltage, value range 0~12, measurement: V
vol = unit_adc.voltage
Chip: ADXL345
Addr: 0x53
adc0 = unit.get(unit.ADC, unit.PORTA)
x = accel0.acceleration[0]
y = accel0.acceleration[1]
z = accel0.acceleration[2]
Chip: ADS1100
Addr: 0x48
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA
unit_dac = unit.get(unit.DAC, unit.PORTA)
# data: 0~4096, maybe 2640 output is 3.3V, max is 3.7V
# save: True or False, whether to save to eeprom
unit_dac.writeData(data, save=False)
# vol: 0~3.3
# save: True or False, whether to save to eeprom
unit_dac.setVoltage(vol, save=False)
Chip: MLX90614
Addr: 0x5a
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_ncir = unit.get(unit.NCIR, unit.PORTA)
# tmp: -70°C ~ 382.2°C
tmp = unit_ncir.temperature
Chip: ATmega328P
Addr: 0x52
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_joystick = unit.get(unit.JOYSTICK, unit.PORTA)
# X direction value, 0 ~ 255
x = unit_joystick.X
# X invert direction value, 0 ~ 255
x = unit_joystick.InvertX
# Y direction value, 0 ~ 255
y = unit_joystick.Y
# Y invert direction value, 0 ~ 255
y = unit_joystick.InvertY
# if press, return 1, else 0
press = unit_joystick.Press
Chip: VL53L0X
Addr: 0x29
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_tof = unit.get(unit.TOF, unit.PORTA)
# distance: 30 ~ 800(mm), other is invalid
distance = unit_tof.distance
Chip: TCS3472
Addr: 0x29
# init --- Effective IO: PORTB
unit_color = unit.get(unit.COLOR, unit.PORTA)
# return: tuple, like (3521, 1515, 1147, 865), (clear, red, green, blue)
raw = unit_color.rawData
# return red value, range 0~255
red = unit_color.red
# return green value, range 0~255
# return blue value, range 0~255
Chip: PCA9554PW
Addr: *0x27*
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_extIO = unit.get(unit.EXT_IO, unit.PORTA)
# Method
# mode: unit_extIO.ALL_OUTPUT or unit_extIO.ALL_INPUT
# pin: 0~7, mode: 1 or 0, 1:output, 0:INPUT
unit_extIO.setPinMode(pin, mode)
# state --> 0x00 ~ 0xff,
# 0 pin in 0 bit 7 pin in 7 bit
# singState = (state >> pin) & 0x01
state = unit_extIO.digitReadPort()
# pin: 0~7
# state --> 0: LOW, 1:HIGH
state = unit_extIO.digitRead(pin)
# state: 0x00 ~ 0xff
# pin: 0 ~ 7, value: 0:LOW, 1:HIGH
unit_extIO.digitWrite(pin, value)
Chip: MFRC522
Addr: 0x28
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_rfid = unit.get(unit.RFID, unit.PORTA)
# if card near return True, else return False
state = unit_rfid.isCardOn()
# return card Uid (string), like '73f66c1bf2'
# if read fail, return ''
uid = unit_rfid.readUid()
# block: must (block + 1) % 4 != 0
# data: string, int, float, will convert to string
unit_rfid.writeBlock(block, data)
# return block data (string)
dataStr = unit_rfid.readBlockStr(block)
Chip: ATmega328P
Addr: *0x5F*
# init --- Effective IO: PORTB
unit_cardKB = unit.get(unit.CARDKB, unit.PORTA)
# isNewKeyPress() --> if press key return True else False
# return last press key value at once, type: int
key = unit_cardKB.keyData
# return press string, len < 50, press ESC clear, press [X] delete last one
keyString = unit_cardKB.keyString
Chip: ATmega328P
Addr: *0x5a*
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_track = unit.get(unit.TRACK, unit.PORTA)
# pos: 1, 2, 3, 4
# value: 0 ~ 1024
value = unit_track.getAnalogValue(pos)
# pos: 1, 2, 3, 4
# value: 0 ~ 1024
unit_track.setAnalogValue(pos, value)
# pos: 1, 2, 3, 4
# value: 0, 1
value = unit_track.getDigitalValue(pos)
Chip: ATmega328P
Addr: 0x51
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_makey = unit.get(unit.MAKEY, unit.PORTA)
# data:-1, 0 ~ 15
data = unit_makey.value
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC
unit_pir = unit.get(unit.PIR, unit.PORTB)
# return 0 or 1
state = pir.state
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC
unit_btn = unit.get(unit.BUTTON, unit.PORTB)
# Method
# if set the callback param, it will interrupt callback function
# or if not set param it will return result(True or False) at once
# holdTime: sec
unit_btn.pressFor(holdTime=1.0, callback=None):
def on_wasPressed():
lcd.print('Button was Pressed/n')
def on_wasReleased():
lcd.print('Button was Released/n')
def on_pressFor():
lcd.print('Button press for 1.2s press hold/n')
def on_doublePress():
lcd.print('Button was double press/n')
unit_btn.pressFor(1.2, on_pressFor)
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC
unit_dualButton = unit.get(unit.DUAL_BUTTON, unit.PORTB)
# btnRed, btnRed method like button unit
btnRed = unit_dualButton.btnRed
btnRed = unit_dualButton.btnBlue
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC
unit_relay = unit.get(unit.RELAY, unit.PORTB)
# select com connect on
# select com connect off
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC
unit_ir = unit.get(unit.IR, unit.PORTB)
# ir tx 25hz signal with 38khz signal carrier
# off tx off
# if receive ir signal return 1 else return 0
value = unit.rxStatus()
# init --- Effective IO: PORTB
unit_angle = unit.get(unit.ANGLE, unit.PORTB)
# get raw value, range 0 ~ 4095
adValue = unit_angle.readraw()
# get filter value, range 0 ~ 1023
filterValue = unit_angle.read()
# init --- Effective IO: PORTB
unit_light = unit.get(unit.LIGHT, unit.PORTB)
# adc value, range 0 ~ 1024
analogValue = unit_light.analogValue
# digital value, only 0 or 1, base rotate the knob
digitalValue = unit_light.digitalValue
# init --- Effective IO: PORTB
unit_earth = unit.get(unit.LIGHT, unit.PORTB)
# adc value, range 0 ~ 1024
analogValue = unit_earth.analogValue
# digital value, only 0 or 1, base rotate the knob
digitalValue = unit_earth.digitalValue
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC, number --> 0 ~ 1023
unit_Neopixel = unit.get(unit.NEOPIXEL, unit.PORTB, number)
# pos: 1 ~ number
# color: 0x000000 ~ 0xffffff rgb888
unit_Neopixel.setColor(pos, color)
# 0 < posBegin < posEnd < number
# color: 0x000000 ~ 0xffffff rgb888
unit_Neopixel.setColor(posBegin, posEnd, color)
# color: 0x000000 ~ 0xffffff rgb888
# brightness: 0~255
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC
unit_Rgb = unit.get(unit.RGB, unit.PORTB)
# pos: 1 ~ number
# color: 0x000000 ~ 0xffffff rgb888
unit_Rgb.setColor(pos, color)
# 0 < posBegin < posEnd < number
# color: 0x000000 ~ 0xffffff rgb888
unit_Rgb.setColor(posBegin, posEnd, color)
# color: 0x000000 ~ 0xffffff rgb888
# brightness: 0~255
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC
unit_weight = unit.get(unit.WEIGHT, unit.PORTA)
# 0 ~ 16777216 (24bit)
rawData = unit_weight.rawData
# get weight
weight = unit_weight.weight
# set weight to zero
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTB | PORTC
unit_servo = unit.get(unit.SERVO, unit.PORTA)
# us: 500 ~ 2500, 50HZ, High level duration
# degrees: 0 ~ 180, degree
# init --- Effective IO: PORTA | PORTC
unit_finger = unit.get(unit.FINGER, unit.PORTC)
# Method
# will change if finger state change
# user_id: 0 ~ 255
# access: 1, 2, 3
# note: if call this fun, unit_finger.state -> 'Wait add finger'
# finish: unit_finger.state -> 'Wait add finger'
# fail: unit_finger.state -> 'Add user fail'
unit_finger.addUser(user_id, access)
# if read know finger, will callback fingerCb with 2 formal parameter
def fingerCb(user_id, access):
if user_id == 1 and access == 2:
# user_id: 0~255
# finish: unit_finger.state -> 'Delete user finish'
# fail: unit_finger.state -> 'Delete user fail'
# remove all user data