Q1: How do I remove the speaker floor noise when the M5Core is on or running?

Q2: How does M5Core2 stack modules?

Q3: A timeout error is displayed when uploading the program to the device

Q4: How to solve the phenomenon of automatic signal triggering of M5Core button A

Q5: M5 device battery life

Q6: Can multiple modules with batteries be stacked at the same time?

Q7: M5 master supports WiFi connection to 5G frequency band

Q8: The RS485 device cannot communicate normally/data is garbled. Packet loss, etc.

Q9: The difference between different masters and camera products

Q10: M5 camera image blur, how to adjust the focal length

Q11: The control RGB LED pin of FACE II BOTTOM conflicts with the I2S DOUT pin of CORE2

Q12: Does the battery run out of power quickly?

Q1: How to read the programmed firmware?

Q2: Several solutions for esp32 board download failure in Arduino IDE board management

Q3: Arduino SPIFFS file upload operation

Q4: When M5Burner burns firmware, an error pop-up window or exception occurs

Q5: Does the M5 master device support multi-language display (Chinese, English, Japanese, Russian, etc.)?

Q6: The program cannot load the SD card normally

Q7: How to use Bluetooth, HTTP, SD, WebServer, FreeRTOS and other features in Arduino IDE

Q8: How to download programs for STAMP C3U

Q9: How STAMP C3U defines UART0 output mode

Q10: Unable to connect to UIFlow Desktop IDE

Q11: NBIoT devices cannot connect to the network normally