
Quick Start Guide for UIFlow Web IDE

UIFlow 2 is a graphical programming IDE that is easy for everyone to use, with wireless/wired program push, program click and run, and no need to compile repeatedly. It supports 100+ M5 hardware peripherals and sensors, and supports one-click addition and expansion, effectively helping product prototype construction and speeding up the development process to the final product. In this tutorial, we will show you how to burn the UIFlow 2.x version firmware on your M5Stack device and use the UIFlow Web IDE for secondary development of the product.

1.Getting Started

Before programming with UIFlow, there are a few preparation steps:

  • 1.Install the M5Burner firmware burning tool.
  • 2.Use M5Burner to burn the firmware for the corresponding device, log in to your account, and configure WiFi connection for the device.
  • 3.Open the UIFlow Web IDE 2.0 version , select the appropriate online device option, and click to connect.
  • 4.Drag and drop blocks to edit the program, and click the Run button to debug the program.
  • Additional Information:
    • M5Burner is a unified firmware burning tool introduced by M5Stack. It allows users to easily burn UIFlow firmware and write configuration information such as WiFi settings during the burning process.

2.Installing M5Burner

Please click on the appropriate button below based on your operating system to download the corresponding M5Burner firmware burning tool. Unzip and open the application.

Software Version Download Link
M5Burner_Windows Download
M5Burner_MacOS Download
M5Burner_Linux Download
MacOSusers, after installation, please move the application to theApplicationfolder as shown in the image below.
Linuxusers, please navigate to the unzipped file path and run./M5Burner, in the terminal to launch the application.

3.M5Stack Community Account

The M5Stack Community is a professional communication platform tailored by the M5Stack team for enthusiasts of M5Stack devices and IoT developers.

Register an M5Stack Community account, which can also be used to log in to M5Burner and UIFlow 2.0 / UIFlow 1.0. You can also access the login page in M5Burner software, UIFlow 2.0 / 1.0 software, or the web version and click the "Register" button to register for an M5Stack Community account.

After users burn firmware information using M5Burner, the device's unique MAC address will be bound to the M5Stack Community account. When users log in to UIFlow 1.0/2.0 with their M5Stack Community account, they can view all the devices currently bound to their account by clicking the device management button. If a user wishes to unbind a device from their account, they need to re-burn the firmware, view the device's MAC address, or re-bind the device through the UIFlow 1.0/2.0 device interface.

Note: If the device has not been unbound from an account in UIFlow 2.0 / 1.0, other users cannot bind the device through the M5Burner firmware burning process. If binding is needed, the current device-bound user must be contacted.

4.Firmware Burning & Running Programs

Refer to the programming tutorial for the corresponding product and upload the program.

Chip Product Name Learn
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