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ESP Zigbee Gateway

This tutorial introduces how to use the Module Gateway H2 together with the CoreS3 controller to run the ESP Zigbee Gateway example program. The ESP Zigbee Gateway is a gateway device based on the ESP32 series Wi‑Fi SoC and the ESP32‑H2 802.15.4 SoC. It can connect Zigbee networks with Wi‑Fi networks to enable interoperability among smart home devices.

1. Preparations

2. Compiling the RCP Firmware

  • 1.Before compiling the Gateway firmware, you need to generate the RCP firmware. Follow the commands below to navigate to the corresponding RCP firmware directory and set the build target to esp32h2.

    cd $IDF_PATH/examples/openthread/ot_rcp
    idf.py set-target esp32h2
    idf.py menuconfig
  • 2.Use idf.py menuconfig to enter the configuration menu. In menuconfig, configure:
    Component config -> OpenThread RCP Example - Enable OPENTHREAD_NCP_VENDOR_HOOK

  • 3.After completing the configuration, execute the following command to compile the RCP firmware.

    idf.py build

3. Compiling the Gateway Firmware

  • 1.Navigate to the esp_zigbee_gateway example program directory and set the build target.

    cd esp-zigbee-sdk/examples/esp_zigbee_gateway
    idf.py set-target esp32s3
    idf.py menuconfig
  • 2.In menuconfig, enable the option:
    ESP Zigbee gateway rcp update -> Update RCP automatically. Also configure the correct communication pins. This pin configuration is for the CoreS3 controller; if using another controller, modify accordingly.

    - Board Configuration
      - Pin to RCP reset: 7
      - Pin to RCP boot: 18
      - Pin to RCP TX: 10
      - Pin to RCP RX: 17
  • 3.Gateway Wi‑Fi Connection Configuration

    - Example Connection Configuration
      - WiFi SSID
      - WiFi Password

4. Compiling and Flashing

idf.py build
idf.py erase_flash
idf.py flash

5. Getting Started

  • Connect the CoreS3 and the Module Gateway H2.

  • Connect the CoreS3 to your computer.

  • Use idf.py monitor or other serial debugging tools at 115200 bps to view the runtime logs.

Normal runtime log contents:

  • RCP firmware version check
  • Successful Wi‑Fi connection
  • Successful Zigbee network creation
  • Network open to allow device joining
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