
I2C Master


I2C interface settings

Master slave addr Setting the Master Interface and Slave Address

Set at sda scl slave addr Customizing the SDA SCL and Slave Address

Write reg one byte Write 1 byte of data to register address

Write reg one short With encode Big-end mode writes two bytes to the register address

Read reg one byte Read a byte from a register address

Read reg one short with decode Big-end mode reads two bytes from the register address

Read reg Read byte Reads a number of bytes from a register address

Read byte Retrieve byte

Available I2C address in list Check if the I2C address is available

Scan I2C device Scanning I2C devices

Instructions for use

Read data from I2C

Write mem data reg date type Write the specified type of data to the register address

Write data type Write specified type of data to I2C bus

Read mem data reg date type Reads the specified type of data from a register address

Read data num type Reads the specified type of data from the I2C bus

In data get index Extract a data from the returned data list

Write data to I2C Bus

Read data from I2C Bus

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