
Arduino Board Management

The Arduino IDE Board Manager is used to record the configuration information of development boards and the toolchains used during the development process. Refer to the tutorial below to install the M5Stack board manager. The online installation method is simpler and allows for one-click installation. In some regions, if network issues prevent normal downloading, you might try switching to a mobile network or configure a proxy in the Preferences menu.

1. Installing Board Management

1. The Board Manager URL is used to index the development board information for a specific platform. In the Arduino IDE menu, select File -> Preferences

2. Copy the M5Stack board management URL below into the Additional Board Manager URLs: field, and save.


3. In the sidebar, select Board Manager, search for M5Stack, and click Install.

2. Selecting the Development Board

1. Depending on the product used, select the corresponding development board under Tools -> Board -> M5Stack -> {Product Name}.

Note: The board management list may not include the latest development board options. If there is no corresponding product board option, you can select a board with the same chip type for program compilation, such as M5Dial uses the ESP32S3 chip, so you can use the M5StampS3 board option for compilation.
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