
Arduino Guide

StickC Program Compilation and Upload

1. Preparation

2. USB Driver Installation

Baud Rate Limit
When performing the device program download operation, it is recommended to select the following serial port baud rate options. If other speeds are used, it may result in the program being unable to be downloaded properly.
1500000 bps / 750000 bps / 500000 bps / 250000 bps / 115200 bps
Driver Installation Tip
Connect the device to the PC and open the device manager to install the FTDI driver . For Windows 10, download the driver files matching your OS, unzip them, and install them through the device manager. (Note: In some system environments, the driver may need to be installed twice to take effect. Unrecognized devices are usually named M5Stack or USB Serial. Windows recommends using driver files for direct installation in the device manager (custom update); executable installation may not work properly). Click here to download the FTDI driver
For MacOS users, before installation, go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General -> Allow apps downloaded from -> App Store and identified developers.

3. Port Selection

Connect the device to the computer via a USB cable. After completing the driver installation, select the corresponding device port in the Arduino IDE.

4. Program Compilation & Upload

Open the example program "Helloworld" from the driver library. Click the upload button to automatically compile and upload the program.

The effect is as shown below:

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