
Arduino IDE Setup for TimerCAM/UnitCAM

Driver Installation

Connect the device to the PC and open the Device Manager to install the FTDI driver for the device. For Windows 10, download the driver file that matches your operating system and extract it. Install it via the Device Manager. (Note: In some system environments, it might be necessary to install the driver twice for it to take effect. Unrecognized device names are usually listed as M5Stack or USB Serial. It is recommended for Windows users to install the driver directly through the Device Manager (Custom update). The executable file installation method might not work properly.) Click here to download the FTDI driver
For MacOS users, before installation, please check System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General -> Allow apps downloaded from: > App Store and identified developers option.


Click here to visit the Arduino official website , and choose the installation package that matches your operating system to download.

M5Stack Board Management

1. Open Arduino IDE, select File->Preferences->Settings

2. Copy the M5Stack board manager URL below into the Additional Board Manager URLs: field


3. Select Tools->Board:->Boards Manager...

4. In the new dialog box that appears, enter and search for M5Stack, then click Install (If search fails, try restarting the Arduino software)

5. Select Tools->Board:->Timer-CAM

6. Select Sketch->Include Library:->Manage Libraries

7. In the dialog box that appears, search for Timer-CAM-> Click Install

8. File->Example->Timer-CAM Open the example program, modify the SSID and other information according to the code comments, and compile and upload it to the device.

Copy the code below into the Arduino IDE, connect the M5StickC to the PC and configure the correct port (Tools -> Port -> COMx), then click the upload button (->) on the menu bar. The program will automatically compile and upload to the device. This program will start controlling the LED light on the TimerCAM to blink.

#include "battery.h"

void setup() {

  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  digitalWrite(2, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(2, LOW); 

Github TimerCAM-Lib

Arduino Example RTSP STREAM Timer Wakeup Web Camera

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